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Crossroads Burning

Crossroads Burning

31 December 2020

Here in the UK the disparate response to the coronavirus has involved the unwitting sacrifice of so many in order to minimise the impact upon the financial status of those at the top. This is in danger of becoming an issue which will not find purchase in any governmental consideration of how best to respond the impact of the lockdowns etc upon said communities.

Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos

Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos

31 May 2020

Like many of you reading this, as a black person these past few weeks have been especially painful, as I watch with ongoing rage the treatment of black people across the world. This week though there seems to have been a tipping point, and this was, for me, prompted by two major events.

Lockdown One: We Are The Lord Of The Flies

Lockdown One: We are the Lord of the Flies

30 April 2020

Presenting a psychological journey through the past year, at 6,000 words long The Lockdown Journals: Born Again is an extensive exploration of the trials and tribulations of the past year, and looks at how this has impacted upon us all.